Fresh Goat Whole Milk


Half (1/2) Gallon

Provided in glass 1/2 gallon Mason jars with plastic lid.

  • Collected daily, our milk is filtered and immediately cooled to preserve quality and freshness.
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  • Sed et turpis ullamcorper



One Gallon

Provided in glass 1 gallon jar with plastic lid.

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  • Consectetur adiping elit
  • Sed et turpis ullamcorper
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit
  • Consectetur adiping elit
  • Sed et turpis ullamcorper



Bottle Deposit

If you do not have a glass jar to exchange at time of delivery, a small deposit may be required.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit
  • Consectetur adiping elit
  • Sed et turpis ullamcorper
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit
  • Consectetur adiping elit
  • Sed et turpis ullamcorper




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